
Supervision is a professional and ethical requirement for all counsellors, psychotherapists and supervisors. The BACP recommend that a minimum of 1.5 hours of supervision per month for each month that counselling is undertaken.

I currently offer individual and group clinical for:

  • Counselling students/trainees
  • Practising counsellors or therapists
  • Individuals & groups who may benefit from clinical supervision in relation to their work/profession
  • Organisations that require supervision for their counsellors and the work that they do within the organisation.


Using the Hawkins and Shohet 7 Mode model to help support, facilitate development,  creating clarity and deeper a deeper understanding for those requiring clinical supervision.


£60 per 90 minute session

£40 per 60 minutes session

Concessions of £50 (90 minutes) and £30 (60 minutes) are available for trainee counsellors (supervisees) whilst they are in training.

Group supervision: £20 for person (120 minutes) maximum of 4 supervisees


Douglas Therapy aims to maintain or enhance the professional skills, knowledge and attitudes of supervisees, including:

  • The ability to conceptualise clinical material and apply appropriate interventions
  • Identification and management of transference and countertransference issues
  • Awareness of ethical and professional standards
  • Enhanced analytical skills, creativity, self-awareness, confidence and competence
  • Clarification of roles, responsibilities and boundary issues
  • Creating a supervisory relationship built on trust to help develop the counsellor-client relationship
  • Identification of professional strengths, weaknesses and training needs

And where appropriate:

  • Assessment of supervisees’ clinical work and engagement with the supervision process
  • Reporting to external authorities, such as training organisations or professional bodies


The supervisory relationship is seen as a common understanding of goals and tasks within a strong bond of mutual trust and respect.

  • Sessions are facilitative, interactive and supportive, creating a safe environment for personal and professional disclosures
  • Supervisees are encouraged to express emotions and to be reflective
  • Sessions aim to provide a ‘space for thinking’, gaining of insight and creativity
  • Supervisees’ worth, values and strengths are acknowledged and validated
  • Supervisees are empowered by clear and constructive feedback
  • Regular two-way feedback is encouraged and supervisory relationship issues are openly addressed
  • Professional boundaries are adhered to
  • Supervisees are encouraged to take an active role in sessions and increasing responsibility for their professional practice and professional development
  • Sessions are structured according to supervisees’ development, presenting client issues and supervision stage
  • Sessions are tailored to supervisees’ individual situations and needs, such as theoretical orientation, work context, learning style

Supervision Agreement

Before commencing supervision, a contract is discussed and negotiated.  The contract can be less or more formal, according to individual, group or organisational needs. For more information please do not hesitate to contact me, I provide a free initial assessment/introduction appointment where we can explore your requirements, experience etc. This will help us decide if we can work together.